In many chapters and sections there are cross-references to other pages with further information on the current topic. For an overview of keyboard shortcuts see the Overview of important keyboard shortcuts. The Table of Contents helps you to quickly find the topic you are looking for. To use FontExplorer X Pro, you should have a basic knowledge of the operating system. Functions that are used less frequently and special functions are described further on in the guide. You will find frequently used functions in the beginning. The following chapters explain all functions in detail. You can use it as a map to find your way in FontExplorer X Pro. There you will find an overview of the Main Window as well as a short description of the functions that you can access from it. How to Use this Guide When you work with FontExplorer X Pro for the first time, we recommend you start by reading chapter 1. Copyright © 2005-2011 Linotype Corp., Woburn, Massachusetts, USA. FontExplorer X Pro is protected by copyright law. All other product and company names mentioned in this manual are trademarks of the respective companies. Patent and Trademark Office and which may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. FontExplorer is a trademark of Linotype Corp. can neither be made liable for the correctness of information in this manual nor for damages resulting from the use of this information or the impossibility of using this information. The contents of this manual can change without prior notice and do not represent any legal obligation on the part of Linotype Corp. Information in this manual that refers to possible product extensions or to available accessories is not legally binding, especially because the product is subject to continuous adaptation and because the information may also relate to future development.

This Copyright and Trademark Information does not constitute any rights, obligations, warranties or liabilities other than those set forth in the applicable License Agreement. The licensee is only allowed to transfer the software or pass on the accompanying written materials to third parties under the conditions set forth in the applicable License Agreement. This includes the storing of the information in electronic formats, in databases for information retrieval as well as translation into other languages. FontExplorer® X Pro User Guide for Macintosh July 2011 by Linotype, a Monotype Imaging CompanyĬopyright and Trademark Information This document is protected by international and US copyright law and may not be reproduced or distributed either in part or in total without prior written consent of Linotype Corp.