When Dynamips runs an IOS image, a single instance can consume 100% of the processing time for a CPU core or thread. We really recommend using the c3640, c3660, c3725, c3745 and c7200 IOS images listed below, they have proven to be the most stable in GNS3 provided you use the right amount of RAM and Idle-PC value. From experience you can usually use a bit less RAM just fine. The minimum RAM is the amount of memory needed for IOS to work at maximum capacity with most feature configured and activated.

We recommend Mainline over Technology train if you are interested on stability without the need of new features.Please see Cisco IOS Versions and Naming for more information. You will find the technology train images to contain the newest features but it may also contain the most bugs. Should I use a mainline and technology train image? # Please note that the IOSv appliance is based on IOS 15 and there are IOU (IOS on UNIX) images with IOS 15. All other platforms are now end-of-life and only support IOS 12.4. Only the c7200 series get newer IOS 15 images. Currently, the c7200 images are the only ones still available for download for those with a support contract.

For older images, we use and maintain Dynamips an emulator dedicated to emulate some Cisco hardware. GNS3 offers multiple ways to emulate IOS. Configure GNS3 to use an additional remote server.How to use applications with the GNS3 Web interface.Install an appliance from the GNS3 Marketplace.rĬ andĬ5sumĬ andĬ.md5sumĬ andĬ.md5sumĬ andĬ.md5sumĬ andĬ5sumĬ andĬ.md5sumĬ5.image andĬ5.image. Because these are modified for virtual environment. So these will not work on hardware machine. NOTE: These all below IOS are specifically designed and modified for GNS3 and EVE-NG. If you want to download Cisco switch IOS or IOU / IOL images: These all IOS are tested in eve-ng and GNS3 and working. Below is the list of all Cisco routers and hybrid routers which contains the ability of both switching and routing.